Hopewell Church News

April 14, 2020: Chuck is preparing to dig an underground line for power between fellowship hall and church circuit breaker panel.  Main power will now go directly to fellowship hall.

April 3, 2020: Chuck has secured a contract with an electrical company to remove the power meter at the front of the church and put in an underground line.  This will also allow us to easily put siding on that outside wall of the church.


March 20-21, 2020: Kirk & Jeremy are back at it again...tearing up church property....in hopes of an improved look at the front of the church.

Feb 19, 2020. Today we busted up a section of the old concrete sidewalk from the front porch over to the corner of the south wall. We also finished digging out and leveling of the ground, and putting in ground "cloth" and bark chips in this area too.  The ground "cloth" is actually a nylon that will last many years on the ground to reduce weeds, yet it lets water pass through.

Feb 10 & 12, 2020 - Began a landscaping project. We will continue this process around to the front church entrance.  Then we will break up and remove the old concrete sidewalk and install a wider sidewalk made of pavers. We will eventually put edging and bark chips around the church sign too. If you would like to help as a volunteer please contact us. Click on an image to see a larger version and the whole image.

Feb 23, 2019 - Two baptisms - Eric and Reid McLauchlin were baptised.  The baptism occurred at the Newberg SDA church  (our Pastors other church) because we don't have a baptismal tank.  We welcome them both!








July 2-20, 2018 - starting the re-siding and church maintenance project as voted in the July 1 Church Business Meeting


Dec 2017 New furnace installed, adjusted and working in fellowship hall. Later it will be moved and some duct work added.
11/15/2017 New furnace for the fellowship hall should arrive.
Thu. 8/17/2017 Got matching chairs for the fellowship room
Sun. 7/9/2017 Business meeting.  One of the items unanimously voted was to re-side the church and put in new windows. If you're a member and want a copy of the church board minutes, contact Kirk or Barbara.  Watch for changes in the coming months.
Thur. 6/29/2017

Tree near front church entrance trimmed so people driving down the road can see the front entrance.

Work done on organizing the fellowship hall cabinet and hung a new Ten Commandments picture in the back entry.

Thur-Fri 6/22-23/2017

Church Sale - Many items were sold for the Peru Mission Project. About $770 raised in these two days! Thanks to all those that helped make this a success, not just in funds, but in meeting those from the community, and especially for talking and sharing literature with them!


Click on each thumbnail image to see the full picture of items that were in the church sale.

Mon-Wed 6/19/2017-6/21/2017 Various church members helping get ready for the church sale.


Click on each thumbnail image to see the full picture. Unfortunately, several people that attended are not in the pictures.


6/3/2017 Put on a Sabbath afternoon program at Deer Meadows Assisted Living for Ruby and others that attended
Mon 5/29/2-17 Cleaned up most of the remaining bins and items on the floor of the MultiPurpose room and started putting Church Sale items on shelves for display for the upcoming sale on June 15,16,18 and on 22,23,25,
Wed. 5/25/2017 New setup in sanctuary extension for literature as voted in last church board meeting.
Mon. 5/23/2017 2nd Vertical blind set installed in Multi Pupose Room
Wed. 5/17/2017 One of the new vertical blinds has now been installed in the Multi Purpose room.


click on a thumbnail picture below to see the whole picture.

Homeless Outreach in Salem under the bridge on 5/6/2017

Sat. 5/6/2017 Homeless Outreach in Salem under the bridge.
Sun. 4/9/2017 12 noon - 4PM Church Business meeting.
Sat. 4/1/2017 Ordination was postponed until further notice.  Kirk was unable to attend. The Pastor and Ken agreed to postpone the ordination.
3/7-3/31/2017 This week Chuck installed the wood door trim and baseboard in the new church back entry.  He also stained it.  It looks very nice.  We still need to paint the white door trim and Chuck will do the final finishing of the woodwork as time allows.
Sun. 3/26/2017 Finished  installing new flooring for back entry.
Thur. 3/23/2017 Touch-up painting on walls and ceiling. Installed new matching ceiling lights for both the back and front church entry.
Tues 3/21/2017 Finished painting back entry walls and textured ceiling.  Some touch-up painting still needs to be done on the walls.
Sun. 3/19/2017 Final sanding & plaster touch-up on back entry walls, ceiling was textured  (will paint when dried), began putting color paint on the walls. Also textured small area near stove in fellowship hall where Chuck had done some plaster. Cathy brought and organized more clothing etc. for next homeless outreach.  This time, Cathy was able to get LOTS of shoes for the homeless and a few tents.
Tues. 3/14/2017 The back entry walls were primed today and hopefully the ceiling will get textured tomorrow.  Cathy got another car load of items for the homeless outreach project and did more cleanup in the multi purpose room.


Cathy starting to shampoo and clean the sofas she got for the Multi Purpose Room.








Sun. 3/12/2017 - A matching couch and love seat were picked up today and are now in the Multi Purpose Room. The Multi Purpose Room is almost cleared out.  Chuck and Stan removed some items today too. Also, this morning, Hopewell was donated a very nice brand new item which church members should see within a week or so :)

Sat. 3/11/2017 - We found out where Ruby is now located. We visited with her and gave her updates about what our church is doing.  She was happy for the visit and delighted to find out all the things that are going on at Hopewell. She said she hopes she can come back to church but would need a ride.  If you'd like to volunteer to provide transportation on a regular basis or even every once in awhile, please contact the head elder so he can schedule you.

Thur. 3/9/2017 - walls in back church entry should be ready to paint next week. Cathy brought more sleeping bags, coats, shoes, blankets, socks, etc.. that were donated this week into the Multi Purpose Room. These items will be used in our next homeless outreach.

Thur. 3/2/2017 - a little more work was done on the new entry and Cathy did more organizing of the homeless outreach items in the Multi-Purpose Room (formerly referred to as the Dorcas room)

Wed. 3/1/2017 - Prayer meeting at 7PM. Prayer meetings are the 1st and 3rd Wed. of every month.  See Calendar for details.

Tues. 2/28/2017 - More work on the new entry.

Sun. 2/26/2017 - Church Business meeting

pics from 2/25/2017 homeless outreach in Salem under the bridge.


Sat. 2/25/2017 - Homeless Outreach - join us from 2PM - 4PM to give clothes, blankets, coats, personal items, etc.. to the homeless in Salem.  We have a lot of items and need  help giving them out.

Sun. 2/19/2017 - Fri. 2/24/2017 Redecorate and update of back church entry.  Also continuing work on cleaning out the "Dorcas" room

Mon. 2/6/2017: Please pray for Betty O.  She has back surgery this Wed. - surgery canceled for now.

Sun. 2/5/2017: The cataract removed from John's eye was almost immediately better and all has gone well.

Thu. 2/2/2017: 2:30PM - 4PM John B. will be having eye surgery today to have a cataract removed from one eye. Please pray for him.

Wed. 2/1/2017: 7PM - 8:30PM: Prayer Meeting. We had 12 people.  There were more visitors than members this week!

Wed. 2/1/2017: 5PM - 6:30PM: Meeting to put together Goodie Bags to pass out to the homeless soon. In the Dorcas room work is being done to organize donated items such as cloths, socks, boots, hats, scarfs, sleeping bags, backpacks, etc.. that will also be passed out to those in need on the streets of Salem.




A Goodie Bag
A Goodie Bag
Other Goodie Bags
Other Goodie Bags




Tues. 1/31/2017: 2PM - 7PM: Work on clearing out the Dorcas room.

Mon. 1/30/2017: 2PM - 7PM: Work on clearing out the Dorcas room.