Conference News

UPDATED (10.8.20): Church Reopening & COVID-19 Safety Guidelines


NPUC Stimulus to Conferences

The North Pacific Union Conference is passing on a $625,000 financial stimulus package to aid its six conferences in the Northwest. 


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July 24, 2020

From: Krissy Barber <>

Good Friday morning to you all!

Here are the YouTube links for tomorrow’s services.

Sabbath Morning Devotional – 7:00 AM:

Sabbath School & Church – 9:30AM-12:30PM:

Sabbath Evening Program – 7:00 PM:

Here is the link to the schedule:

Click on any event to access information and video. – That’s how to access the childrens, juniors, earliteens, youth, and young adult programs.

From the Oregon Conference

Camp Meeting Starts July 21st!


It’s almost time! Camp meeting is only a few days away now! While the campus will be pretty empty, we're excited to share some great spiritual content together. This year, it’s all about Serving Jesus and Others! Devotionals, seminars, and corporate worship are all on the schedule, and there will be programming for all ages! 

Today, we release the app that will be your guide to all things Gladstone Camp Meeting! Find schedules, meet presenters, connect with people you only see at Gladstone! And all from the Camp Meeting App! Download it now, and get ready for what’s coming.

If you don't have a smart phone or tablet, don't worry, you won't miss out! You'll also be able to find camp meeting content on your computer, your smart TV, your Roku, AppleTV, ChromeCast, etc. Scroll down to find a handy guide to all the ways you'll be able to watch and participate in this year's virtual events!

We can’t wait to see you online at Gladstone Camp Meeting 2020!
It'll be one for the memory books, you won't want to miss out!


From Jonathan Russell <>

Camp Meeting is Coming. Today, we’re launching the app that will be our guide to camp meeting. You can get it by clicking on this link:  (Once you download the app, search for Gladstone.) Soon, we’ll be sending you a promotional pack of graphics and announcements you can use to promote camp meeting among your communities. Also, follow us on Facebook and Instagram and Share, Share, Share! As we were reviewing the schedule, it looks like we’ll have over 40 hours of programming to engage with throughout camp meeting week. Yes, that’s a lot. Of course, not every event is for everyone. But our prayer is that as you and your people experience camp meeting this year, you’ll be immensely blessed.

Without camp pitch, I know some of you are itching to do something for camp meeting (Okay, probably not.) Here’s an option: If your county is in Phase 2 or later, consider hosting a “viewing party” for the live evening meetings at your church. What if we had sites across the conference engaging together, albeit masked and socially distanced, in the inspiration and worship of the evening meeting?  7 PM- Tuesday-Saturday of Camp Meeting week.  Soon, I’ll send out a survey in which you can express your interest. For host churches, we’ll send streaming links that will make playing the event to your projection system nice and easy.


G Alexander Bryant Alex Bryant Will Replace Dan Jackson as
President of the North American Division


On July 9, the Seventh-day Adventist Church's General Conference Executive Committee met virtually to receive the name of G. Alexander Bryant, the recommendation for division president, from both the North American Division's nominating committee and executive committee. Bryant was confirmed in a vote of 153 to 3. Bryant replaces Daniel R. Jackson, who served at the NAD headquarters since his election at GC Session in June 2010 until his retirement on July 1. The search process for a new executive secretary has begun. Bryant becomes the fifth president of the North American Division. Read more...


Oregon Conference President Dan Linrud (center) participating in Portland protests with mask off and no social distancing.  I  ask that our church members practice safety where ever they may be, and especially where there are many people. Kirk Weedman

June 12, 2020 - From the Oregon Conference

My Reflections
After Participating In A Peaceful Protest

"I am writing this to share my reflections of participating in a peaceful protest in the streets of Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday, June 3, 2020. I participated in support of my Black brothers and sisters, and to pray for our city, state and nation and equity and justice for them. This came after another rash of senseless killings of Black persons in the U.S., particularly those by police officers.

I understand that some may not agree with demonstrating support in this manner, and I fully respect their personal view. But, for me personally, and for a number of pastors and lay members, there was a very strong impression of the need to go and have the Church of Jesus be present. We went to pray with and for those protesting, for our Black community regionally and nationally, for the families of the fallen and for new purpose and progress for equity and justice for Black people in particular, and for all people. Keep reading...


Friday May 5, 2020

Oregon Conference President Dan Linrud shares video and transcript


From: Jon Holland (Oregon Conference Treasurer)

Fri May 1,2020

I’d like to forward/share some information regarding Adventist Giving (for those on it). We appreciate many of you using this helpful tool. Please take the time to read through this so you can share with your local church members.


Adventist Giving is not free! It’s free to the local member (but it costs the Conference, Union, NAD, and GC). For 1Q 2020, the Oregon Conference had processing fees of $8,767. While we appreciate everyone’s giving, many people are unaware of these fees – and perhaps unaware there are options to use other than Credit Cards.


Here are some additional comments/reminders from the official NAD Adventist Giving Team…


Fees for 1st Qtr 2020 transactions averaged as follows:

Credit -- 2.51% of amount given
Debit -- .66% of amount given
ACH -- $0.17 per transaction

We are happy to answer any of your questions at regarding any aspect of AdventistGiving.


  1. Please make sure to log into the treasurer accounts to review member giving.  We post reports to church treasurer accounts and send deposits to church bank accounts twice each month:

    A.  On the 1st** day of the month we will post a report in the treasurer's account for days 16 to the last day of the month, for the prior month.  A deposit that matches that report will be sent to your church bank account on the 4th business day of the month.

    B.  On the 16th** day of the month we will post a report in the treasurer's account for days 1-15 of the current month.  A deposit that matches that report will be sent to your church bank account 3 business days later.

    **If the 1st or 16th day of the month falls on a weekend or Holiday, reports will be posted the next business day.
  2. Here is how church treasurers can find their reports:

A.  Go to
B.  Click on "Log in" in the upper right corner of the screen and enter your email address and password.
C.  Click on the down arrow beside your name in the upper right corner of the screen and choose the treasurer portal for your church
D.  Click on "Generate Reports."  Reports are available print/download in PDF and CSV formats.

  1. It is a good time to remind churches about transaction fees so they can educate members on how to keep costs as low as possible.

AdventistGiving negotiates the lowest possible fees for online giving.  The costs are shared by the local conference (70%), union conference (10%), North American Division (10%) and General Conference (10%).

US & Guam Donations:
 - Each ACH transaction (electronic check or savings account) costs around 16 cents per transaction.
 - The cost of credit cards is an average of 2.00% of the amount given
 - The cost of debit cards is an average of 0.65% of the amount given.  Generally debit cards are connected to checking or savings accounts that have routing and accounts numbers.  If you are going to use a debit card please consider entering the routing and account number provided to you by your bank your bank for your transaction.
As you can see, we do prefer the use of electronic checks whenever possible so that the Conference, the Union, the Division, and the General Conference can keep the costs low and continue to sponsor the use of AdventistGiving and provide the service for free to the local churches.

  1. Please do encourage churches pastors, church treasurers, and members to contact for any questions.


4/24/2020  Newburg SDA Church Zoom meeting information

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 894 5002 7251
Password: 335135
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,89450027251#,,#,335135# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,89450027251#,,#,335135# US (Houston)

Dial by your location
        +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 301 715 8592 US
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
        +1 253 215 8782 US
Meeting ID: 894 5002 7251
Password: 335135


4/3/2020: From the Oregon Conference of SDAs

Virtual Camp Meeting Coming this Summer

"Gladstone Camp Meeting 2020 is going virtual! The COVID-19 pandemic has raised all kinds of questions about when large groups will be able to meet, or even whether people will be ready for that. In spite of the uncertainty, the spiritual food and comradery, the tradition of campmeeting is still important. So while we won’t be meeting in person at Gladstone, we’re already planning an interactive online experience that will encourage and connect us. What does Virtual mean? Programming will be accessible from your desktop, your tablet, or your cell phone. If groups are able to gather by then, churches can even host viewing parties! It all is still happening in July, with programming for all ages, including José Rojas as our featured speaker! We hope you'll plan to join us for a new way of doing camp meeting. Watch our website, Facebook, and publications (like this one!) for more details as we get closer to Gladstone Virtual Camp Meeting 2020."
